Monday, July 26, 2010

2nd week..

As usual, on Tuesday at 10am, I had my Resources class. We begun ourclass with the election of the group leader. Pn.Foziah agreed with the popular nomination who is Hazwan. From now on, Hazwan will be my group leader. Congrates Hazwan. Congrates also to Dominic who had been elected to be my treasurer.

First of all,Pn. Foziah told us about the correct posture to before we proceed to type. Our body should be straight so that our view and our concentration on the typing will be much precise.

Then, she told us about the correct position of our finger when typing using keyboard. I think I unoficially had used that finger's position before until now on. So, what Pn.Foziah told on that day I take as a reminder for me to do better in typing.

To recap the lesson on that day, lets the picture do the talk. Thankz guys for viewing my territory. Have a nice day..

1st week..

Pn.Foziah is her name. Our respective lecturer who is responsible to handle us for the subject Resources. Before entered the first class, I felt a little bit nervous plus scared with the woman named Pn.Foziah because my senior had told me that she is quite fierce. All the feelings gone as I was in her class. My expactation towards her denied by herself. She is happy go lucky person and can be very nice towards her students. I can see that Pn.Foziah also will be very lively if the students responds to her lecture by questioning,arguing and etc.

Enough with my expectation towards the lecturer. Next, my expectation towards the course. First and foremost, I really think that this course will require me to prepare a lot of resources towards teaching process such as prepare the teaching aid and so on. Yeah, my expectation was true but in different manner. All the thing that I need to prepare during teaching process should be done by using ICT. It opens my eyes and I told myself to prepared mentally and physically to absorb the learning especially when it is regarding with the ICT.

The first task had been given, and this is it. Creating blog!! Happy blogging guys..

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

warm welcome!

As you live in this world, you are always get yourself into decision making situation. Your decision will lead you to the next phase of your life..

~Think and check either your choice right now is either